Monday, December 27, 2010


Back Ground:

I'm afraid of the future, I'm afraid of overpopulation, Im afraid of our inability to change and I worry about our nature threatening our survival as a species. People have always had things to be worried about in history. However we have never been in a unique situation like we are now. I don't blame people for our current situation, its our genetic nature to aggressively multiply and its our current way of life to consume needlessly. I don't think I can change anything and I don't have the answers to fix our problems. But I do know that change is necessary and weather through our action or inaction it will happen. But what I can hope to do is influence a small group of people so that when change does occur, they are a little more accepting of it. This project has been going on in the back of my mind, and on and off in concept stages for a few years now. However its my fear and pessimism that is acting as motivation to try and finish it this year. I used to think we lived in the most fortunate era so far, now I think it is the most crucial.

Central Proposition:

coming soon...


Two parts:

-A visual graphic novel/ comic/ manga. Final result is currently unknown. Hopefully it will be a unique development  of the former. Currently this half of the project will be an overall telling of the whole story. Currently the rough draft is divided into 3 sections.

-An installation at the Taranaki festival of the lights with several animated sequences projected on large screens. The end result is currently unknown, however it will be a development of my 2006 research project. Currently this half of the project will be several key scenes from the overall story told in a more visually impressive way.


-To influence a large group of people, opening their willingness to live in a more sustainable manner.
-To establish myself as a well known and appreciated story teller.


-Tell the story through a unique duel method of publishing a manga/ graphic novel, and also my own developed animated sequences. This will be made easier by building on top of my previous 2006 project.
-Draw inspiration from several sources such as Japanese anime, Maori mythology/spirituality and sustainable science to create a unique story and setting.
-Capture peoples interest through impressive visuals and iconography that appeals specifically to Taranaki.
-Gain exposure by showing my story in an installation at the Taranaki festival of the lights at the end of 2011.

Target Audience:

The current target audience is Taranaki. Primarily it would appeal to people who have an interest in the media and culture I am drawing inspiration from, as well as those who are concerned about the environment. However I would also like to appeal to Taranaki as a whole through local pride and newly created iconography.

2012? Whatever the Mayan calendar  happens to say or not say is relevant, We live in crucial times regardless.

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