Monday, November 25, 2013

Just posting some thoughts. The main character needs a way to interact and "play god" with the world. So the simulation will be run from his ship. Which will be transformed into a giant robot, and disguised as one of the creatures of the world, because you know... giants robots are cool. It will probably be one of the first missions to locate the giant robot and activate it. The main character will also have a personal A.I. that will follow him around, this A.I. will serve as a tool for dialogue, and moving the plot forward.

So if Stu is reading this, you may be happy about the next step. The way this game is eventually going is that the animals will evolve into anthropomorphic sentient creatures and start to alter the world even more. I would like it to develop a bit differently every time you play the game, but one idea I have in mind is for wars to start between species. I have some design ideas for demolition/ rocket foxes and assault wolves. I might make my orc an evolution of a pig.

Should be pretty fun, I'm running out of time though :[

Here's a monkey I made:

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